Thursday, September 6, 2007

Art and a bit more...

Today we didn't do very much with school.

We did start a little book that focuses on colors. I think that Ben thinks it is too easy because he really wasn't into it. He knows all of his colors but the point (for me having him do it) was reading the words when he is done. So we read each sentence and then he colored the pictures. We only got one page done too, so we'll use this over the next few days or weeks until it is done.
2 pages of the book
I expanded the activity and made some 'flashcards' with 3 words from the book: red, apple, stop. I'll put them on a ring and we will add to it as time goes. It will be a vocabulary/spelling/reading type of activity.
The cards
The last thing that we did today was an apple tree. I had these mini die-cut apples so we cut out a trunk and top of the tree and had fun gluing all the little apples on our trees.
Ben and Hannah's apple trees
Not too bad for a day that didn't seem to be much.


chanale said...

Your week looks like fun! How much time do you spend on average doing school?

Jen said...

Right now we are doing it in sporadic moments throughout the day (as Ben is interested and ready to stay still) but I'd say that my involvement is about 2-3 hours/day with reading books in there too.

Espi, Lisa and Isabella said...

Jen - thank you so much for blogging this (I know it's hard to keep up) but it really helps me (and I'm sure many others) in our pursuit of homeschooling knowledge!