Wednesday, June 4, 2008


They watched Word World while they ate breakfast.

They all played together with the Ponyville ponies that Hannah got for her birthday. They played very nicely together.

Ben and Hannah took turns working on Word World on the computer while Noah watched. They worked on rhyming and word finding.
Ben worked with Legos and K'nex. He loves building things.

We learned about living and nonliving things. We discussed how to differentiate between the two and they are going to keep their eyes open for living and nonliving things in the world around them. We also talked about how nonliving things aren't living but they do change. We looked at some pennies I had in my wallet. One was from 1971 and was very tarnished and brown, the next was from 2003 which was a little tarnished but still a little shiny and the last was from 2007 that was brand new and shiny. They saw the difference and understood how time made the older penny brown. Then we talked about how rocks could change over time too. We'll check different rocks out on our next hike.

They played pirates together. They couldn't build a ship in the backyard because we wanted to keep the grass clear of stuff, thinking it might rain. We need the free water if it does.

Ben and Hannah worked on making envelopes for the sunflower seeds that we are sharing with our friends. They all came out cute and they wrote "sunflower seeds" on each one. Hope we see some friends to give them too!

We went outside to wait for Daddy to come home from work after Noah woke up from his nap. While we were out there we looked at the flowers we planted. Some of them are dying (normal part of their life) so Ben picked them and we started to take them apart examining all the little parts that we found.

They rode bikes, scooters and Ben tried roller skates for the first time. Then Ben went to karate.

Flower parts


Jenn said...

Oh wow, I didn't know about that show, I played a story book (for me, Scott, and Ash, LOL) to see what it looked like. That's a pretty clever idea, words that are the thing they spell. I'll hafta get Franky to watch that one, and I need to get him to watch Between the Lions again. :-)

Espi, Lisa and Isabella said...

Thanks for keeping up this blog it is a great learning to for us! :)