Wednesday, June 11, 2008


We looked at the Volcanoes and Earthquakes book this morning, Ben had questions about the pictures he was looking at. After I was done explaining to him he turned to Noah and told Noah all about what was happening in the pages. They talked about hot lava and the dead people (Pompeii) and eruptions and how dangerous it is to be near a volcano when it blows. He wondered if volcanoes move. I explained that volcanoes don't move the earth moves but it doesn't go somewhere else. I reminded him that volcanoes were not living things but that they do change. He's nervous.

The kids went on a short hike with Daddy this morning. They saw lizards on the trail and had a nice time with him.

Ben built a cabin with his Lincoln Logs (yes, he have a great of variety of building materials for him) complete with railings (the looked like little benches). He visualized how tall the people were to stand next to them and told me all about it.

Ben and Hannah worked online for a while doing SuperWhy and Noggin games.

Ben had karate today and they worked on their rolls (Udo), he's getting really good at them. He tests at the end of the month for his 3rd section.

Daddy read them some books about the solar system (Magic School Bus).

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